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5 Tips on how to make your living room look elegant without burning a hole in your pocket

Having a high-end looking home can be difficult and living room is arguably the most important room in the home, especially if you have a tight decorating budget. True to its name, it’s where life happens, It’s where your guests gather, where you spend lazy evenings by the fire (or basking in the soft glow of Netflix—no judgment here), and, in most floor plans, living is one of the first spaces you see upon entering your home. So, don’t you want it to look luxurious? We thought so.

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend truckloads of cash to make it look like you spent a lot of money there are ways – even on a budget – that you can get the luxurious look you dream of. Here are some secrets shared by the Interior designers over the years that have given homeowners some insight on how they can make their living room look elegant without breaking the bank. From adding pillows and a fresh coat of paint to window treatments and hardwood floors, here are 5 simple tricks to fooling your guests into thinking you live a high-end life.

#1: Paint

There’s no denying the transformative power of a fresh coat of paint, this one’s simple: a slap of fresh color on the walls can dramatically change your living room it is also a simple and relatively affordable way to dramatically change up a space.

Avoiding contrasting trim is easy on the eyes it also adds more focus to decorative accents and accessories, and simplifies the room’s architectural details. This will not only allow you to use a stronger but also the deeper hues will appear softer and a bit lighter.

#2: Crown Molding – Details Matter

When it comes to decorating your living room to look high-end and custom-made, details are key because it’s all in the details. In this matter, the detail is crown molding as it will bring the ceiling and the walls together, giving them an elegant appearance and make the room look complete or finished. Crown molding is relatively inexpensive (especially the plastic, paintable versions) and fall in your budget of revamping your space, without this finishing touch, your room may look cheap or unfinished.

#3: Comfy with Cushions

Pillows if chosen correctly, they can really punch-up the elegance factor throughout your so pile on some inexpensive pillows and oversized cushions in your drawing, living area to offer a cozy, layered feeling to your rooms.

Pillows and cushions add comfort which speaks for itself, that is, if you choose pillows that are large enough to rest on, and soft it will not just make your room look elegant but also gives your guest a little extra comfort on the couch.

 #4: Furniture

If your room adorns a perfect white theme, then, add on a splash of color with some good furniture, as it is one of the priciest ways to update a room, but sometimes a simple piece can go a long way and change the whole look of the room. Make sure you add furniture in a way that add eccentric look to the room.

Change the look of your living room by rethinking the styling of your furniture layout and accessories. Although it is a bit tricky but you can open up the arrangement of the furniture to let your space breathe easy or just polish of your existing furniture to a lighter and smoother shade.

#5: Make sure your curtains hit the floor

A good window treatment can add instant luxe factor to your home. But there’s one cardinal rule: Never, ever buy draperies that are too short because they look so cheap and store-bought. Buy some beautiful, billowy drapes that match the walls. The curtains can add an eccentric look to the room.

Final Words

There are a number of ways by which you can make your home look elegant on a budget. Choosing the right paint colors, avoiding cheap, poor quality items, and shopping wisely are the best tricks interior designers use to design a room. Take the time to create a budget for each section of your home, think about the materials that can be installed in the room and you may be surprised at what you will find, and how easily it is for you to create an elegant looking living room even on a tight budget.

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